Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away............Sometimes........

Rain.  It can make or break a camping trip.  A lot also depends on your attitude about the rain: if you let it ruin your trip, it will.

No doubt there are many downsides to tent camping in the rain.  Walking in it every time you need to use the bathroom.......tough to get a campfire going, and if you do, who wants to sit by it.........making sure you don't touch the sides of the tent.......etc...  Nothing gets me up out of bed faster on a camping trip then the sound of rain when my tent windows are open! 

For me, there is at least one upside to tent camping in the rain.  The sound.  I absolutely LOVE it!  Especially when sleeping.  Waking up with it raining in the morning makes for a very lazy day!

It's pouring outside right now, and how I wish I was camping in it!  Instead, I'm at a friend's house, sleeping on the couch, with the windows open to hear the rain :)

Thunderstorms are pretty cool while camping too........with a dog though, not so much.

I went camping a few years ago and took my dog (77lb black lab).  He might have a ferocious bark, but he's a big 'ol baby when it comes to thunder.  He all but climbed in my sleeping bag with me, and I sat up and held him and talked to him for most of the night.  Everytime I tried to go to sleep, he'd nudge me to keep petting him.  I seriously didn't think I'd be getting any sleep that night.  I was shocked when I woke up the next morning.  He didn't stray far...he was next to me sleeping :)

Another favorite place to shop for camping supplies is LLBean.  I especially love driving up to the main store in Maine to browse.

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