As I have mentioned previous posts, my friend Jen and I are huge amusement park enthusiasts. We have season passes to Six Flags and definitely use them! I was at her house one night, and we were watching "10 Biggest Roller Coasters" or something like that on the tv. Well....about half of them were from Cedar Point. Now, we've heard of Cedar Point, but never actually considered going there...come on - it's in Ohio! We jokingly said 'I wonder if it's feasible to go?' Well, faced with a challenge like that, we both got on computers and started looking things up. We found that two day pass for the park and water park was only $75 each. The Cedar Point hotels were crazy expensive, so we found a Super 8 that had decent reviews and was much more wallet-friendly! We picked tentative dates to go, and she checked at work to see what she could get off for vacation. Within a few days we had our reservations made!
We left Connecticut (where she lives) on Tuesday morning, August 3rd. Our journey took us through Pennsylvania, and while stopped for lunch, we looked up where Punxsutawney was. Turns out is was a short detour from the highway, so we decided 'what the heck' and stopped there on our way out to Ohio. It was kitchy but it was fun!!!!
The first place we stopped was the Groundhog Zoo, it's really just a room in the town library with windows so people can see in. This is where Phil is kept when it's not February 2nd. Did you know??? There's actually TWO Phil's! We were surprised, lol!
Here is one of the two Phil's. They were both sleeping, but we couldn't get a good picture of the second one.
A close up of the map on the wall near the Zoo, showing how to get to Gobbler's Knob. We just had to go and check it out!
It was very exciting to see this sign as we turned off the road! Honestly, it was more exciting that it probably should have been, lol!
Strange to see it all deserted, rather than full of people and snow!
Yes, folks, we walked up onto the stage and looked at the tree stump! We have no shame!!!! There is a block of wood behind the stump, and we each took turns standing on it and leaning on the stump and having our picture taken. Yes, that's me! Did you know there's a 'trap door' on the back of the stump? We think that's how they get Phil into the stump!
The rest of our road trip was uneventful, we stopped for dinner at Cracker Barrel (gotta love it!), and got to Sandusky around 10pm or so. We decided to continue on to Cedar Point so we could get some maps of the park and plan our day. We got back to the hotel and checked in around 11pm. Looked at the maps and called it a night. We wanted to be rested and refreshed for the next day!
Have you taken a side-trip while on a road trip to see something kooky, fun, or just plain strange?
11 years ago
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